Saturday, February 28, 2009

Test Complete !

Another lovely day at the hospital. All the nurses think Lukas is the most easy-going patient they have ever seen. We are grateful for the Broviac for tests like these (no pokes!) so Luke has no reason to be nervous at all. He took a little nap and woke up wanting a Popsicle. The sleepy medicine had no side effects, so after the test we went to visit Uncle Greg at Whole Foods. I told Luke he could pick whatever he wanted to eat. He choose a big slice of cheese pizza, orange juice and a peanut butter cookie.
The type of tumor Lukas has is quite rare and varies greatly from case to case. The Oncologist explained the need for all these tests as being like the pieces of a puzzle. Before they can give us a comprehensive treatment plan they need every single puzzle piece in place. The Lord has been so patient with us, now we must wait on the Lord. I keep thinking of all the ways he has made this ordeal easier on us. The kids are home schooled and finished many subjects early. Our home school CT even has a son who had a neuroblastoma 13years ago, she is fully understanding and encouraging us with both her experience and sharing scripture with us. Mike is self employed and able to take the time to be at the hospital. Our family is all so close to us and available to help us sooo much. The many friends and family in Christ who are lifting up Lukas in prayer.... the list goes on. Luke's next test will be Wednesday the 4th of March.


  1. Awesome to hear it went well. Chloe insists we pray for Luke every night at bedtime! And we do!

    We're so happy for you all, and we fully expect to keep hearing good news!

    Nate & Kristi

  2. Dearest Friends....We love you all and are praying that the upcoming test on Wednesday goes great!!! Have a blessed Sunday
