Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Trading Places

Mike came to switch places with me so I could get some much needed sleep and time spent with Joe,Grace and Peter. 12 days sleeping in a plastic hospital sleep-chair is getting hard on my back. I have talked on the phone with Mike like five times since I have been home. Luke is still having horrible pain in his throat,chest and tummy. He has been utilizing a suction tool to clear mucus and saliva so he doesn't have to swallow (he loves that...really). He has been having platelet transfusions everyday and today he had two because of a nose bleed that lasted over an hour. He is still running a high fever, I guess that is one of the reasons he is going through his platelets so fast. Tomorrow is day 7 since transplant! They say it takes about 7-14 days for new cells to start growing and once that does happen all the owies clear up fast. I hope to see the light at the end of this tunnel soon, it has been a rough ride. Luke has remained sweet through all of this, he knows this is all part of the battle "we're killin' the bad guys" he says. I am so proud of him....Mike just sent me a picture on my cell phone of Luke sitting on the potty with the suction in his mouth...oh, my baby... Lord, get him better fast... this hurts soo bad.


  1. Dearest Erica
    As I read the blog today, my heart just went out to you!!! Words are so hard to come by at a time like this, but I want to let you know you and your precious family are in our prayers...I can just imagine how overwhelmed you are with all that you are going through. Perhaps you are wondering (as I've wondered at times in my life) how things will ever work out. Just a few words of encouragement---God is always there, guiding us and helping us do the hard things...And the most beautiful thing about God is that the more we need Him, the closer He is...even if it doesn't feel like it. Just a few more days, and Luke will be smiling at you, and saying "we beat up the bad guys, mom!!!" Love, Sharon Wylie

  2. Dear Erica, Michael and Luke,
    "I can do all things, through Christ who strengthens me".
    You have been such an example of the truth of this verse; to me and all of us following this blog.
    You are much in our prayers,
    Aunt Lorie
