Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Go Away Infection !!!

Well the decision has finally been made to go back on I.V. anti-fungal medication. Luke will receive a double dose of what he was having before but only two days a week. We went for his first dose today and everything went really well. They wanted to pre-medicate him with benadryl and zofran because the dose increased so much but I opted not to. I guess that was a good choice because he was just fine. No problems what-so-ever ! Yipee. They want to repeat his C.T. scan before Thanksgiving and If they see more infection they will have to do a lung biopsy:( I'm praying hard this will not be the case. Go Away Infection!!

Luke will also be starting a medication called Isotretinoin. This is known to help fast dividing cells quickly mature so if they are cancerous they become benign. He will have to take four pills a day on a two week on two week off schedule for six months. This stuff causes most commonly skin peeling but of course the list of other possible side-effects is quite long. I hate reading all that. I'm just thankful God is in control of all this. Mike had to remind me of this today because I was starting to get depressed and stressed and grumpy...he texted me... "Just don't forget who's in charge of the universe".

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